Spring Cleaning

‘Tis the season for tidying and cleaning up your spaces!It’s no surprise that people currently have their annual cleaning routine on their minds, and according to a new survey by OnePoll, 72 percent of respondents said that it helps their well-being. In addition, 53 percent shared that it helps them Read more…

Earth Day

As we celebrate Earth Day, keep these sustainability tips in mind. There are simple ways to make changes to your home to make a difference in our environment.   Retire Your Dryer: Consider using a drying rack whenever possible to save money and reduce your carbon footprint  Switch To Better Bulbs: Switch Read more…

Fair Housing Month

April is Fair Housing Month. Let us celebrate the strides we have made while recognizing the work that lies ahead. Together, we can create a more just and equitable society, where every individual has access to safe and affordable housing.  Fair Housing Quote: To commence the #FairHousingĀ blog series, Liz Gehringer Read more…